Janela Nini, violino | Chiara Siciliano, violino Michaela Kleinecke, viola | Anna Tonini-Bossi, violoncello PROGRAMMA Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809) – Quartetto n. 34 in re maggiore, op. 20 n. [...]
We are happy to invite you to our upcoming exhibition in the showroom of master violinmaker Francesco Toto in Cremona during the Mondomusica 2021, 24th September to 26th September 2021.
The aim of this biennial initiative is to institute the independent title of Maestro d’Arte, in acknowledgement of the excellence of the country’s artisans and in compensation for the [...]
You will have the chance to meet the stars of today’s world of the finest string instruments: Franceso Toto– world-renowned master violin maker, recounting the story of creating the instruments [...]
The event is organized by Nippon Violin Co. Ltd with numerous international collaborations including the Royal Academy of London. The “Fondazione Museo del Violino” is the special partner and [...]
Gawang Jung work in the Francesco Toto workshop. Violoncello – Gold Medal SPECIAL PRIZES Premio SIMONE FERDINANDO SACCONI Premio CREMONA MONDOMUSICA Premio FONDAZIONE COLOGNI DEI MESTIERI D’ARTE
M° Luca Fanfoni plays Stradivari Golden Bell 1668 from the Collection of Jost Thone Verlag. Sunday 30th September – 7.30 PM Location: Francesco Toto Violin Shop – via Palestro, 28 [...]
Dal 20 settembre al 1° Ottobre, nella splendida cornice di Palazzo Barbò – Meroni, a Cremona, sede dell’Atelier del maestro liutaio Toto Francesco, avrà luogo l’evento: Old and [...]